The Art of Letting Go

Stephanie Teresa Budiman
2 min readNov 22, 2020
Photo by Ankush Minda on Unsplash

— as the promise to my previous post, finally I can post this topic here.

Have you ever been in a situation when you don’t know whether you should step back or moving forward from something that is a burden (can be a toxic situation or a painful past) to you? Or, are you in this situation right now?

To let go something that has been stuck with you must be very difficult, right? You want to let it go but your other half says that you can’t — maybe because you’re already feeling attached to it and you’re used to it. If you still feel this way, you really need to set a new thought about the burden you can’t get rid of.

Here it is: imagine you are walking on a road, carrying a rock — a really big rock. How can you get to the destination, when you are suffering along your way because of carrying a rock?

The rock is the same as your burden. If you’re still carrying the rock, you won’t get to your life goals as the destination. You are wasting your own time suffering when there are many other good things you can do. You have to throw the rock away — to lighten yourself up — to move forward continuing your journey. The journey to pursue your life goals, and to continue living your life.

