Whatever Happens in Your Life, Remember These Magic Words.

Stephanie Teresa Budiman
2 min readAug 15, 2020

Life is unpredictable. You know you have hopes, desires, and goals, but sometimes they can’t be realized as you expected. Then you start to lose hope and can’t believe in yourself anymore. You feel like a failure and feel that your world collapses.

Hey, get up. Your world hasn’t collapsed yet.

I want to share my own magic words that I created three years ago and I still use them for my own good.

  1. Whenever you’re feeling happy or sad, remember that ‘this emotion is temporary’. (it doesn’t mean I don’t allow you to be happy, but just to always be ready for the sadness we never know when it will come)
  2. Whatever you’re feeling sad on, God will surely cure you with His great surprise without even asking Him for.
  3. Whatever you lose, God will replace it with something that isn’t the same but worth more than what you lose.
  4. Whatever you’re blaming yourself about, take it as a lesson because everybody makes mistakes.
  5. Whatever you’re regretting of, God will show you that your choices are never wrong.

P.S.: no. 1 might look hard to do, but I always apply it in my life so I when I’m feeling happy or sad, I never exaggerate that feeling. Sometimes I’m even afraid of feeling too happy because I know that “this is only temporary, I know I can get sad someday”. Then when I’m sad later on, I won’t be too sad because I’ve prepared myself for it.

